April 2021

 4 seasons in 1 month

Already on the first of April I moved in with my new host family. I was very nervous, as we will be five people, also 2 kids aged 12 and 15. As I have only lived with my mother in an apartment and I am an only child, this is a completely new experience to me. But, I have to admit, that I feel really comfortable and happy with them. It's their first time being a host family, so I feel honored. And honestly, I think they're doing a great job! (:

my crazy host family

After my arrival, we drove near Vejle in order to meet some of the family. It was a nice trip, which got us closer and thus I could also see some more of Denmark. Generally, we are doing something we call 'kulturtur' pretty often - it's where we just drive to nice places in the surroundings for me to see as much as I can before going home again.

us on one of those 'kulturtur'

Speaking of home: This month was a real hard up and down concerning this topic. Some days, I got a little excited and everything about Austria, but the other ones I didn't even want to think about it. Now I am forced to plan my last 2 months, which is quite scary. At least I have a summer job as producing assistant at an opera, so I am not completely lost when I return home. Still, I cannot believe, that April came and went already. 

As the heading already gave away - it felt like we lived through all 4 seasons this month. We had snow, rain, hail, sunshine and warm temperatures. It was so extremely confusing to me and I had some moody days, depending on the weather. Some days you woke up with hail, but ended your day in a t-shirt outside. 

me on one of the warmer days

Concerning my project, we had our first physical meeting since, like, December. I loved it! It was great to finally be at the office and see everyone again. I am currently working on introduction videos for our website, together with a colleague. On the side, I have tidied up at our office, so we are ready for opening up again at the end of May. Since then, I have the opportunity to get to the office for some hours a week, which is pretty cool. The second hand shop is still on my task list - 2 days a week currently. 

me with all of the things I have sorted out at the second hand shop one day

What I cannot really explain, are the random waves of stress I feel. Sometimes I just sit and then this stress overcomes me - I should plan more things, I should call there and there, I shouldn't forget to get an appointment there, I shouldn't forget to cancel my bus card before going home, I should write an email to Borgerservice.... I'm sure, that it's connected to my weird feelings about going home, but man, this can be exhausting. 

What I have learnt this month, is the fact that I do be allergic to horses. My little host sister to me with her to her horseback riding lesson, so I could watch her. Even though I was feeling the allergy, it was a nice experience. Apart from that, I try to help my host siblings with their English and German homework. I think it's fun, as I somehow miss my old school a little.

but hey, there's a picture

Another thing I realized, is how emotional I got in the last few months. My feelings are much stronger and clearer, I can define them better and they feel more intensive in general. I don't have a clue what this is, but I kind of like it, as it somehow seems like my mind got out of the passive state of life and I can finally take action!

Even though I changed families, I still have contact to my previous one. Kristyna and me went for dinner to their place and I drank some coffees with them. They are still living in Ollerup at the moment, but they soon get the keys for their new small house. I am really excited and happy for them!

my favorite czech lady

One day I decided to try and crochet the JW Anderson cardigan Harry Styles once wore. What has driven me? I don't know. I thought it would be a nice weekend project, but it already took me some weeks. Nevertheless, I really enjoy working on it and am excited for the result. I'm incredibly amazed by the fact, that I can now just crochet whatever I want. Before I came to Denmark, I always wanted to learn some nice handcraft things, but never had the time for it. I am very proud of myself for finally learning it!

the cardigan (more or less)

Towards the end of April, bars and restaurants finally opened again. You have to have a table booked and a negative test to sit inside, but there are no restrictions sitting outside. Of course, Kristyna and I had to grab a beer at our favorite GastroPub in Svendborg on the day it opened! Also, I am very glad about the fact that my favorite cafe, Little Local, opened again. The city seems more alive now, which is perfectly combined with sunshine (when the clouds are not in the way). Ooooooh, and I got a tattoo (:

me and my sunflower, help me name her

Connected to the Reopening of Denmark, I got overwhelmed. It feels like there is so much to do, and it should be done RIGHT NOW as I am going home pretty soon. Funny thing is, that it's not only me feeling this way. I have talked to some other people and they basically feel the same. Nevertheless, it is important for me to try calming down and finding the balance between activities and peace. I have the feeling this could be pretty hard for me, but I got it.

still, I am enjoying the reopening


Valeria, a girl from Costa Rica also working at Genbrugskontakten, invited me over for dinner on her birthday. It was a nice, cozy evening with good food and cake.

In the end of the month, we organised a little scout-tour for our small ones. It was something we called a 'backwards tour'. We met in our pyjamas, walked 5 km backwards and ate breakfast in the evening. We relaxed around the bonfire with some stories, before all of us got incredibly tired. Because of the Corona restrictions, we all had to sleep at home. But we met again the next morning to eat spaghetti and some vegetables, play some games and just have it cozy around the bonfire.

the table we built for our little tour

For some reason, it feels like everything in life fits together right now, even though my feelings are all over the place. 


  • Danish classes in the evening are getting extremely exhausting
  • random, bad headaches for no reason
  • sometimes still having the feeling of being on Autopilot
  • having big troubles journaling every day
  • a Corona-scare in my near surrounding
  • unwillingly distancing myself from home

  • creatively active
  • creating a new social activity called "let's get tested for Corona together and then grab coffee"
  • spending a lot of time with Kristyna
  • dyeing my hair, once again (almost no difference)
  • speaking up about my feelings
  • spending some time in Odense again, finally
  • starting to eat breakfast in the morning?
  • a lot of cuddles while watching TV
  • making traditional Romanian food


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